sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Being a teacher of the Law of Attraction .... : Bob Doyle

Recebi por email : 


Being a teacher of the Law of Attraction, I'm always looking for ways to help people get past their "stuff" about money and abundance in general.

You may know I'm BIG into what are called "release techniques" which are designed to actually change your Energy around belief systems which are literally preventing you from being able to attract what you want in your life.

One technique I've admittedly not spent a lot of time with, but is HUGELY effective, is Hypnosis.

If you've never used hypnosis in your Law of Attraction practice, I want to give you that opportunity today.

I have a good friend who is a highly regarded hypnotist who has agreed to do a limited number of complimentary sessions with a small group of my subscribers (that's you!)

I'd recommend scheduling your session before his calendar fills up! Then, I'd really like to hear about your experience with the session.

Check it out!


P.S. I know I send a fair amount of email, but I hope that these free resources I send you from time to time are something you actually use and find helpful!


Bob Doyle
Boundless Living - Follow Your Passions! They Know the Way


Newton Almeida

quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014

Engenheiro Brasileiro Faz Sucesso com sua Invenção : Pedro Ricardo Paulino Cria Máquina de Fazer Água


  ****        Curso que Ensina a Criar Aplicativos de Smartphone e Tablets 

        Os aplicativos de mobiles representam um enorme mercado aberto aos empreendedores! Você vai aprender a criar seus próprios aplicativos para smartphones e tablets, que poderão ser vendidos, ou utilizados para o marketing da sua empresa! 

        Neste curso você aprenderá a como criar aplicativos de smartphone e tablets em menos de 5 minutos e a desenvolver um plano de mobile marketing com sucesso para micro, pequenas e grandes empresas.

           Siga aqui e conheça agora!      ****

Newton Almeida